Everyone’s weight management journey is different. What works for one person might not work for another, highlighting the need for a plan that's as unique as you are. When looking for a wellness and weight management program, consider your personal needs and goals as well as your preferred methods of weight loss. 

With a blend of medical weight loss options and surgical solutions, weight loss programs should support you every step of the way, ensuring that the path you take towards better health is tailored just for you.

What are weight management programs?

Weight loss and weight management programs are structured plans designed to help individuals achieve and maintain a healthy weight through lifestyle changes.

Weight loss programs focus on helping participants reduce their body weight. They generally cater to individuals who are overweight or obese and aim to achieve a healthier body weight through a calorie-controlled diet and regular exercise.

Weight management programs are geared towards maintaining a healthy weight after initial weight loss or for those looking to prevent weight gain. These programs emphasize sustainable healthy eating, regular physical activity, and ongoing support to help individuals stabilize their weight over the long term.

What weight loss options are available?

Weight loss and management is a deeply personal journey that varies significantly from one person to another. Recognizing the need for an individualized approach, it's essential to understand the various medical and surgical options available for weight loss.

"The more variety that doctors have to offer folks, like intermittent fasting or time-restricted eating, the more success our patients will have. There's all these different methods that patients can utilize that doctors really strive to try to find something that works for everybody in consideration of their unique needs," says Dr. Knapp.

Medical weight loss solutions

Medical weight loss programs are designed to help individuals achieve their weight loss goals through a structured and supervised approach, without the need for surgical intervention. These programs are typically managed by a team of health professionals including doctors, dietitians, and weight management specialists who provide comprehensive support.

  1. Initial Assessment: The first step in a medical weight loss program involves a detailed assessment of the patient's health, which includes medical history, current health conditions, and a thorough physical examination. This assessment helps the health care provider develop a customized weight loss plan that addresses the specific needs and goals of the individual.

  2. Personalized Treatment Plans: Based on the initial assessment, a personalized treatment plan is developed. This plan may include dietary changes, physical activity recommendations, and behavior modification strategies. The focus is on creating sustainable lifestyle changes that promote long-term weight management. Health care providers may also prescribe FDA-approved weight loss medications to help facilitate the process, depending on the patient’s health status and weight loss goals.

  3. Dietary Modifications: Nutritional counseling is a cornerstone of medical weight loss. Dietitians work with patients to create a balanced diet plan that reduces caloric intake but still provides essential nutrients. This might involve structured meal plans, guidance on portion control, and education about healthy food choices.

  4. Behavioral Support: Behavioral changes are crucial for the success of any weight loss program. Patients often receive counseling to help identify and modify emotional eating behaviors and to develop new coping mechanisms that don’t involve food. Support groups and individual therapy can also play a role in supporting the patient’s emotional and psychological needs during their weight loss journey.

  5. Ongoing Monitoring and Support: Patients can expect regular follow-up appointments to monitor their progress and make adjustments to the treatment plan as needed. These check-ins provide an opportunity to discuss challenges and celebrate successes, ensuring that the patient remains motivated and on track.

Surgical weight loss solutions

For some individuals, surgical options might be considered, especially when medical methods have not yielded the desired results. Common surgical procedures include bariatric surgeries like gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, or adjustable gastric banding. These surgeries are usually recommended for individuals who meet specific medical criteria, such as a high Body Mass Index (BMI) or those with obesity-related health conditions like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, or sleep apnea.

Misconceptions about weight loss options

Misunderstandings about weight loss, particularly surgical weight loss, are prevalent. Patients should perform their own research to have a balanced and informed perspective when considering their options.

One common misconception is that bariatric surgery is the 'easy way out' for weight loss. This belief undermines the serious nature of the decision and the effort required post-surgery. Bariatric surgery is not about taking shortcuts but making a lasting commitment to health. Patients undergo rigorous pre-surgical evaluations, including psychological assessments to ensure they are prepared for the lifestyle changes needed post-surgery.

While it's true that bariatric surgery is often recommended for individuals with a high BMI, it's also an option for people with lower BMIs who suffer from serious health issues related to obesity. Conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea might also make someone a candidate for surgery, regardless of their BMI.

Another myth is that the primary purpose of bariatric surgery is cosmetic. Although significant weight loss can enhance physical appearance, the primary goal is to alleviate health conditions associated with obesity. These surgeries aim to improve overall health and extend lifespan by mitigating problems like diabetes and heart disease.

Safety and efficacy of surgical weight loss

Advancements in medical technology and surgical techniques have significantly improved the safety and efficacy of weight loss surgeries, making them a viable option for many individuals struggling with obesity.

Modern bariatric surgeries are predominantly performed using minimally invasive techniques, such as laparoscopy. These methods involve smaller incisions, which lead to less pain, reduced risk of infection, shorter hospital stays, and quicker recovery times. The surgical community's focus on enhancing safety protocols has led to a decrease in complications and improved patient outcomes.

After surgery, patients receive comprehensive follow-up care that includes dietary guidance, physical activity plans, and regular medical check-ups. This ongoing monitoring helps manage any complications early and supports patients in their transition to a healthier lifestyle, ensuring the success of the surgery.

The effectiveness of bariatric surgery is well-documented. Most patients experience substantial weight loss, which often leads to the improvement or resolution of obesity-related conditions. The long-term success rates for maintaining weight loss are also significantly higher compared to non-surgical weight loss methods.

Saint Joseph Health System can help with weight loss and management

Saint Joseph's main goal is to be a comprehensive center for weight loss that offers a wide array of effective services to assist individuals in their weight management journey. From dietary counseling to medically managed diets that range from calorie reduction strategies to complete meal replacement plans, the program is designed to cater to the diverse needs of its patients. 

The team closely examines patients' current medications to optimize their regimen in favor of weight loss goals. Saint Joseph differentiates itself through its comprehensive nature and the degree of follow-up care. Patients benefit from a variety of services, including food logs, weekly weight checks, group meetings, education sessions, and access to a gym facility. 

"What makes our approach different is the comprehensive nature of it. Many of our patients provide food logs and weekly weight checks, as well as attend group meetings and receive education. We also have a gym at the facility. It's just a broad approach to a challenging problem," says Dr. Knapp.

This broad approach addresses the multifaceted challenges of weight management, ensuring that patients have access to the resources they need to succeed. All patients are catered to, from those with significant obesity-related health concerns requiring surgical intervention to individuals seeking medical weight loss solutions. 

Eric Knapp, DO, is a bariatric surgeon on staff at Saint Joseph Health System. Dr. Knapp specializes in helping patients lose weight through surgical and non-surgical means. To make an appointment with Dr. Knapp or learn more about our Wellness and Weight Management Program, please visit sjmed.com/wwm.